I had a requirement to generate a sharded schema where no of shards and no of tables in the shard were dynamic. Basically we wanted to shard one table so we ended up creating 8 schemas and each schema will hold 8 tables that are copy of the same schema. Now I didnt wanted to hand write the 64 table/schema creation statement so came up with this procedure that allows to dynamically build and execute sql queries. Oracle was so easy, mysql is a little bit verbose.
Finally it started becoming messy and kludgy so I ended up writing clean python code to generate the ddl :). This effort was a waste but I ended up learning how to do dynamic sql execution in mysql.
drop procedure if exists create_rdb_tables;
delimiter #
create procedure create_rdb_tables()
declare v_max int unsigned default 9;
declare v_counteri int unsigned default 1;
declare v_counterj int unsigned default 1;
while v_counteri < v_max do
while v_counterj < v_max do
set @sql_text := concat('drop table if exists metadata_rdb_schema',v_counteri, '.metadata_rdb_t', v_counterj,';');
prepare stmt from @sql_text;
execute stmt;
set @sql_text := concat('CREATE TABLE metadata_rdb_schema',v_counteri, '.metadata_rdb_t', v_counterj, ' (user_id INT NOT NULL, object_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,group_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,entry_id VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL,created_time DATETIME NOT NULL, primary key(object_id))TYPE=innodb;');
prepare stmt from @sql_text;
execute stmt;
set v_counterj=v_counterj+1;
end while;
set v_counteri=v_counteri+1;
end while;
end #
delimiter ;
call create_rdb_tables();
drop procedure if exists create_rdb_tables;
Finally it started becoming messy and kludgy so I ended up writing clean python code to generate the ddl :). This effort was a waste but I ended up learning how to do dynamic sql execution in mysql.
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