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Showing posts from September, 2009

Spring Bean locator

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ A python file to read applicationcontext.xml and generate Spring bean locator class. this will remove the need to lookup bean using string constant. This class assumes that you have a SpringUtil class that will provide you the application context. A sample class that will be generated looks like package xxx.util; import xxx.util.SpringUtils; public class SpringBeanLocator { public static xxx.cache.JCache getJcache() { return (xxx.cache.JCache) SpringUtils.getApplicationContext().getBean("jcache"); } public static xxx.ldap.LDAPHelper getLdapHelper() { return (xxx.ldap.LDAPHelper) SpringUtils.getApplicationContext().getBean("ldapHelper"); } ...................... } ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ import sys try: from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET except ImportError: from elementtree import ElementTree as ET CLASS_TEMPLATE =...

TimeStamp your ant build

Download your ant contrib from and add it to your ANT_HOME\lib directory and run ant -listener net.sf.antcontrib.perf.AntPerformanceListener deploy This will print a summary report at the end like precompile-jsps: BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 6 minutes 23 seconds Statistics: -------------- Target Results --------------------- ui._applet_jar_deploy: 0.000 sec server.replaceLdapTokens: 0.001 sec ui.replace_applet_version_tags: 0.008 sec server.baseDeploy.common: 0.018 sec server.baseDeploy.common: 0.019 sec server.baseDeploy.common: 0.023 sec server.baseDeploy.common: 0.052 sec ui.baseDeploy.common: 0.062 sec server.baseDeploy: 0.102 sec server.baseDeploy: 0.105 sec server.baseDeploy: 0.108 sec server.baseDeploy: 0.149 sec ui.svnversion: 0.160 sec