Reading a book on inbound marketing by Hubspot founders and it clarified some of my concepts. I intend to finish the book, its just that in the age of Quora, Twitter and Techcrunch you can get easily distracted so I am reading at turtle's pace. Even Netflix and cable TV has lost its charm for me. One reason I had ordered a hard copy instead of kindle so I don’t get distracted and can read it with focus, but now a days I feel like Quora is much more interesting than reading books. But books have their own importance, Quora and blogs are random reading with no pattern and you get some pointers whereas books are more structured reading so on any day I would prefer book over blogs if I have to read a concept in detail and call me old school but I still would prefer paper copy over ebook. Anyway coming back to the topic I still get close to 50K hits per year on this blog, so thinking how can I apply conce...