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Showing posts from February, 2012

Best product design I have seen so far after Iphone

check this video of Nest thermostat its a pretty cool design.

Client side autocomplete searches

I was looking for an autocomplete for an addressbook kind of functionality. The requirement was that users can have FirstName,LastName,Email,Type and when user starts typing they need to be searched first by LastName,FirstName,Email and some types were to be given higher priority than others. Doing this on server side means too many calls to be sent to the server so doesnt seems like a perfect solution.  Also mostly users will have <100-1000 contacts in addressbook so why not do it on client side.  Looked into some autocomplete plugins but none of them were what I wanted and finally landed onto this I have never found such a perfect solution to a complex problem before. Thanks flickr for sharing it ;).

Mysql JDBC driver and Streaming large resultset

We are moving one legacy component from Berkeley db to mysql so that we can replicate it to distribute read requests and shard it to scale it. I had to dump the entire db contents and stream it over http to some other component. the db content for a single customer can range from 100K to 3-4 Million records. We are using spring JDBC to make the task of dealing with jdbc api simple. Now I was using a ResultSetExtractor to stream the resultset like this.             ResultSetExtractor resultSet = new ResultSetExtractor () {                 @Override                 public Object extractData(ResultSet result) throws SQLException, DataAccessException {                     while({             ...

self signed certificates and chrome caching

Ran into an issue today where despite setting cache tags on a swf file,  the chrome browser was downloading it everytime I moved from one page to other and come back to same page. This was working fine in Internet Explorer and FireFox.  After spending an hour with firebug, pagespeed and fiddler  I figured out that cache tags were set correctly but still chrome won't cache it. At last I found this issue reported to chrome developers .  It appears that because  I was using a self signed certificate on local install, chrome wont cache any content until I use a valid certificate.  So the solution is to generate a free certificate using and use it locally to avoid this issue.

Sharing between Andriod phone and ubuntu

I dont want to install facebook on my phone and I wanted to share some pics so had I a requirement to copy some pictures taken from my phone to my ubuntu drive. This assumes your android and laptop are on same wifi network. It seems its very easy to do it and we would use samba share to do it. 1) Install AndSMB app on andriod phone. 2) create a folder on your ubuntu server and Right click on it and say Share this folder as shown below.   3) Connect to this share from your android by using the smb app and give your username/password and leave the domain blank. 4) Now you can navigate to the samba share folder and select the files to upload.