We use Logstash for our centralized logging. All our app nodes track exceptions and write them to scribe, in night a python scribe consumer aggregates that information and sends an email with top exceptions with counts and first 200 characters of the exception. Well the problem was that now I have to go through email and for each row I need to find the exception in logstash or in application logs. This is painful, I wanted to find some better way. So I changed our exception tracking code to include a requestId into scribe logs and this requestId is logged with each exception to logstash. Now all I need to do is add a column in my table to include a logstash query link. Problem is that it wasnt that straight forward. Ultimately after reading some forums I found that I need to prepare a search json and then base64 encode it and then create a url and voila I was done. What used to take 1 hour to trace 10 exceptions would take me just 30 mins. ...