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Kibana/logstash integration with reports or JIRA

We use Logstash for our centralized logging. All our app nodes track exceptions and write them to scribe, in night a python scribe consumer aggregates that information and sends an email with top exceptions with counts and first 200 characters of the exception.  Well the problem was that now I have to go through email and for each row I need to find the exception in logstash or in application logs. This is painful, I wanted to find some better way.

So I changed our exception tracking code to include a requestId into scribe logs and this requestId is logged with each exception to logstash. Now all I need to do is add a column in my table to include a logstash query link.  Problem is that it wasnt that straight forward. Ultimately after reading some forums I found that I need  to  prepare a search json and then base64 encode it and then create a url and voila I was done.  What used to take 1 hour to trace 10 exceptions would take me just 30 mins. 

    linkPrefix = "" % dc_name.lower()
    now_java_ts = int(time.time()) * 1000
    searchJson = """{"search":" @fields.requestid:\\"%s\\"","fields":[],"offset":0,"timeframe":"172800","graphmode":"count","time":{"user_interval":0},"stamp":%s,"mode":"","analyze_field":""}"""%(sampleRequestId, now_java_ts)
    searchJsonEncoded = base64.b64encode(searchJson)
    linkUrl = linkPrefix + searchJsonEncoded
    link = "
RequestId:%s" %(linkUrl, sampleRequestId)

The new report looks like

Other fancy things in the report are these Up and down arrows that tell me if the exceptions are going up or down and % will tell me how much they are up and down from yesterday or after a release.

the link on count will take me to graphite graph that tells me how an exception is trending and when it was introduced as shown below.


  1. Ok - it took me a couple of reads to figure out what this is for, so correct me if I'm wrong...

    This is to add link into the emails you receive (or that JIRA receives) that allows you to navigate back into your logstash, at exactly the right point.

    The report you show is from JIRA.

  2. Yes Martin, sorry if the blog post was cryptic, I am not a professional blogger and I wrote it in 5-10 min:).

    So yes we daily generate some reports from scribe logs and create JIRA tickets automatically. So I need the JIRA ticket and report to have a link to logstash so that the users can click on it to jump directly to logstash.


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