I am intrigued by this webhook concept and it seems a very nice way for B2B communication. Webhooks are powerful and it eliminates Poll for integrating with third parties. All you need is to have some REST api registered that will be called when an event occurs. A good e.g. of webhook for a cloud storage provider can be "automatically print this document on registered printers when a file is dropped in this folder". Lets assume all the customer needs to do is register a webhook "http://xyz.foo.com/printer/xxd344/print?token=authTokenXXX and the cloud storage provider can then call this url and POST the body of document in input.
Recently I had a chance to play with webhooks when I was trying to move jenkins to EC2 for my friend and as part of it I moved his svn to assembla.com. I saw webhooks and I thought I can integrate commits into svn hosted by assembla.com to pivotaltracker.com tickets. It took just 1 hour to do it but it was fun, apparently there are post commit hooks that you can add in svn but this was much easier to do because assembla.com has a webhook concept https://helpdesk.assembla.com/customer/portal/articles/1607029-configuring-the-webhook-tool so all I need to do is find a pivotal api that would allow to post commit messages to it.
It seems Pivotal tracker already has this https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api/rest/v5#source_commits_post . The challenge was that assembla webhook doesnt allow you to pass any custom header where I can pass the X-TrackerToken header but after some api documentation trolling I found that you can pass the token in query string like
https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/source_commits?token=sdfsdfdsfdsfdsfdsf and I was done. After Configuring the integration the commit messages show up in pivotal story.
Recently I had a chance to play with webhooks when I was trying to move jenkins to EC2 for my friend and as part of it I moved his svn to assembla.com. I saw webhooks and I thought I can integrate commits into svn hosted by assembla.com to pivotaltracker.com tickets. It took just 1 hour to do it but it was fun, apparently there are post commit hooks that you can add in svn but this was much easier to do because assembla.com has a webhook concept https://helpdesk.assembla.com/customer/portal/articles/1607029-configuring-the-webhook-tool so all I need to do is find a pivotal api that would allow to post commit messages to it.
It seems Pivotal tracker already has this https://www.pivotaltracker.com/help/api/rest/v5#source_commits_post . The challenge was that assembla webhook doesnt allow you to pass any custom header where I can pass the X-TrackerToken header but after some api documentation trolling I found that you can pass the token in query string like
https://www.pivotaltracker.com/services/v5/source_commits?token=sdfsdfdsfdsfdsfdsf and I was done. After Configuring the integration the commit messages show up in pivotal story.
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