Monitoring tools exposes a lot of data and we use Nagios, cacti, graphite,newrelic, mixpanel, flurry, boundary and many more tools. But one of the ask for Support and marketing teams is how can they internally know if something is wrong. We cant expect them to wade through so many systems and so many applications to make sense of what is operational and what is not. For e.g. we use a lot of services to serve the cloud filer server solution and this is the first page of status of our services in new relic and it spans 2 pages. Support team and management relies on Operations team to notify them if an issue is on going. To make this easy I did a Proof of concept integration application responsible for serving main website with The idea is simple Create public metrics in that are human readable. Query new relic and various systems for application status. Map new relic green/red/yellow status and other system status to s...